I haven't posted on Facebook about my weight in a long time. I also quit using the online exercise tools. Why? Because I can't lose weight. I would lose 2 lbs overnight and gain it back in a day. How is that possible? I would exercise and exercise, but still the same result.
Well, I am now officially losing weight! I have lost just over 10lbs. Its slow and gradual and I am not weighing myself everyday. Why? Because I am finally getting healthy.
I eat high protein, low carb, high vegetable. This works for me and my family. It keeps our blood sugar steady all day. It took a long time to realize this. But, I think even more important than that is getting treatment for my thyroid AND treating a massive candida infection that I didnt know I had*. I will post more about all of this as the days go by. But, I have to say that it is amazing how great I feel now that I am almost candida free...or should I say, now that the candida is back where it belongs. *I say this because there is an important role that health practitioners have in our health. Without blood testing and other forms of determining health irregularities, we are blind when it comes to our own health. I could eat as healthy as humanly possible and still gain weight if my thyroid or other parts of my system, are malfunctioning. I personally would encourage everyone to find a Naturopath that they trust.
I am happy to be losing weight and I am happy that it isn't a fad diet that is causing it. It is just my life and my body gravitating to whatever a healthy weight for me is. Imagine that!
Have a blessed day! And know that you have the power to change your own health!
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